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No I'm not perfect, It just seems that way.

Welcome to the roots of what makes me a striving human being persuing positive ideas and having huge goals in life. Let me just say, there is no point to EVER postpone happiness, (i.e.-saving every nickel and dime). There's an idea in the word of "self-indulgence"--if you don't indulge yourself, no one else will.

My Mom and Dad, Dick and Donna Toz
It's sometimes a hard division of peoples reality when I tell people my mom and dad are still together, and happy! I was extreme;y lucky in life. I'm 22 years old and I'm living at home. My parents are the most fantastic people I know. They're the type of parents that everyone should have. They've been nothing but supportive to me and my friends and girlfriends; my life and my sponteneity-my wildness as well as my stupidity.
They've let me learn my lessons in life and helped me put things back together when I mess up. I just hope one day they'll be proud of me, and I'll be able to support them like they've always supported me.

My Family---Everyone should be so lucky...
This is a Thanksgiving at my house, more unique than most family's--notable by the portrayal of a gleaming knife above my head held by my cousin Brenda on the left hand side.

Sweet and Cute
My Purple People Eater. Yes, she's mine...all mine!

My Best Friend and Spritual guide, Fr. Dave
I met this guy one day as I was storming out of my CCD class, ranting about my inability to comprehend God and the arbitrary hopelessness of my attendance in the church. I bumped into this dude wearing a black leather jacket and holding a motorcycle helmet. He implored me, "wait just a second, I'd like to talk to you first." My response of course was, "Well, who the fuck are you??"
Sheesh, I was 16 and how was I supposed to know he ws a priest!? Anyway, not only did he teach me a new way at attaining a peaceful mind, but he finally explained the Bible ina way I can understand. The Bible means one thing to me, "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU"D HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU." I love my faith.
Keep on lookin' at these pages. New stuff is always happening.
The family news is constantly changing, and the family is always growing!

Benjaim J. Tozloski--22 years old, and marrried to a lifetime of effort and Happiness.